eChinese AP Chinese program offers high school students an opportunity to earn credit for Chinese courses at
the college level. eChinese AP Class is designed for 12 units to cover six AP themes: Families in Different
Societies; the Influence of Language and Culture on Identity; the Influence of Beauty and Art; How Science
and Technology Affect Our Lives; Factors That Impact the Quality of Life; and Environmental, Political, and
Societal Challenges. We have adopted Grant Wiggins’s “Understanding by Design” curriculum design theory and
integrated Dr. Robert Marzano’s “Highly Engaged Classroom” activities into our teaching pedagogy.
eChinese AP Class provides teachers with lesson plans, authentic teaching materials with PowerPoint
presentations, exercises, and games; and it provides students with a simulated AP Chinese exam. Students
can intensively practice Chinese in three modes: Interpretive, Interpersonal and Presentational. In
addition, students can develop their language skills in the ACTFL five goal areas: communication,
cultures, connections, comparisons and communities.
易 ·中文大学预科中文课程,由在美国多年教学AP中文、经验丰富的老师精心设计与编写。本课程综合了美国中文教育的主流教材,针对AP中文机考的特点,融入先进的教学科技理念,而开发的一套教考合一的AP中文课程。
本课程为老师提供了根据外语教学理论“Understanding By Design (UBD)” 编写的教案,以及教学应用PPT,内容包括单元主题背景与扩展材料、课文教学与活动、课文生词、语法讲解与活动、Quizlet和Kahoot等教学活动游戏,以及模拟考试和综合技能测验的评估。